Black and brown women have not been allowed to exist in the world as the fullest expressions of who we are and who we can be. Violence, deprivation, and oppression have ruptured our connections with our bodies, our spirits, and each other. But healing and liberation are possible. We feel this possibility when we’re together - just us.

Through the eyes of Black and brown queer women, SEEN explores how we choose to live at the intersection of personal healing and collective liberation work. Nic and Lala co-create space where healing becomes possible. Where we see ourselves through our own eyes. Where we learn what freedom feels like. Where we look inward for our paths forward.




An astrology reading at the beach.
Weekly Insecure watch parties.
Impassioned Beyoncé debates.
An auspicious radio show interview.
These are the events that led us to create SEEN.

In the early days of our friendship, we knew that there was something special about our candour and connection that helped us heal, and made us feel free. Experiencing each other’s magic, we sensed that what we were creating was meant for more than just us. Lala, being the intuitive Pisces rising that she is, pitched it: we should start a podcast. Nic, with her Gemini moon, said yes. Obviously.

Our goal for SEEN was simple but subversive: to pull back the curtain of silence and offer both our hearts, insights, and gifts in service of the healing and liberation of our communities. Fueled by our mission and a DIY attitude, we taught ourselves the basics of podcasting, production, and editing, each episode created by the two of us alone. 



Art by Soraya Jean-Louis

Art by Soraya Jean-Louis

Black feminist futurist, visual scholar, and artist Soraya Jean-Louis created our original artwork, which serves as both a reflection of and inspiration for our work. Her piece--two people mirroring one another, witnessing each other in connection and splendour--represents all that we’ve tried to cultivate with SEEN.

Art by Nichole Washington

Art by Nichole Washington

After over a year of recording, we moved into a new visual phase of SEEN, complete with this website, which was graciously developed by artist and designer Mallory Brennan. Daniella Barreto, Vancouver-based photographer and activist, captured us expertly. And Nichole Washington, a New-York based painter and designer whose creations inspire reverence for their depictions of Black women and femmes, commissioned our beautiful new cover art that serves our playfulness, power, and polish.

We’re so grateful for these artists who see us and allow us to be seen.